Monday, September 30, 2019

henry fayol theory of management Essay

In rhetoric, the places were citizens exchange ideas, information, attitude and opinions.   The concept of Habermas public sphere is a metaphorical term used to describe the virtual space where people can interact through the world wide web, for instance is not actually a web, cyberspace is not a space, and so with the public sphere. It’s the virtual space where the citizens of a country exchange ideas and discuss issues in order to reach agreement about ‘matters of general interest’(Jurgen, Habermas 1997:105) HISTORY OF JURGEN HABERMAS Jurgen Habermas was born in Dusseldorf, Garmany in 1929, he had served in the Hilter youth and had been sent to them. The western front during the final months of the war. Habermas entrance onto the intellectual scence began in 1950s with an influential critique of Martin Heideggers philosophy.  He studied philosophy at universities of Gottingen and Bonn, which he followed with studies in philosophy and sociology at the institute of social research under Maz Horkheimer and Theoder Adono. In the 1960s and 70s he target at the university of Heidelberg and Frankfurt am main. He then accepted a directorship at the Max Pianck institution in stamberg in 1971. In 1980 he won prize and two years later he took a professorship at the university of Frankfurt, remaining there until his retirement in 1994. Habermas on the public sphere, he means first at al a dominant of our social life in which something coming out in which public opinion can be formed. The right is guaranteed to all citizen. A position of the public sphere comes in being in every conversation in which private individuals assemble to form a public body. Citizens behave as a public body when they confer in an unrestricted fashion †¦ i.e, with the guarantee of freedom of assembly and association and the freedom to express and publish their opinions†¦ about matters of general interest. The contemporary publics sphere is characterized according to Habermas. By the weathering of its critical roles and capacities. In the past publicity was used to subject people or the present political decisions to the public. Today the public sphere is recruited for the use of hidden policies by interest groups. For Habermas, the principles of the public sphere are weakening in the 20th century. The public is no longer made out of masses of individuals but of organized people that institutionally exerting their influence on the public sphere and debate. Habermas introduces the concepts of â€Å"communicative power† as the key normative resources for countering the norn-free steering media of money and administrative power. Linking †˜communication’ with ‘power’ already suggests a mix of the normative resources of communicative action with the impersonal force of power. Is such a conceptual mix stable? As the source for democratic legitimation of the use of state power, communicative power is a central notion in Habermas’s democratic theory. Although, in the medium of in restricted communication†¦ new problem situation can be perceived more sensitively, discourses aimed at achieving self-understanding can be conducted more widely and expressively, collective identities and need interpretations can be articulated with fewer compulsions then is the case in procedurally regulated public sphere. HOW HABERMAS ANALYSIS PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Habermas analysis public communication in medieval times there existed no separation or distinction between private and public sphere, dure to the class pyramid of the feudal system. This system for Habermas positioned greater power at every level and to this day conventions regarding the ruler persisted, with political authority retained by the highest level. Rulers saw the state and not as representatives of the state – meaning that they represent their power to the people and not for the people. According to Habermas, by the late 18th century feudal institutions were finally disappearing along with church’s rule, making way to public power which was given autonomy. Rulers become public entities and professionalism bore the first signs of the bourgeois which become autonomous in relation to the government. Representational publicity was pushed over by a public force that formed around national and territorial sentiment and individual struggling with public power found themselves outside its collective power. The term â€Å"public† did not refer to the representation of a man with authority, but rather became the legitimate power of exercising power. The public sphere, according to Habermas, was the final stage of these developments. HOW IMPORTANT HARBERMAS THEORY Solutions can be raised and tested for potential objections without the pressure to put ‘opinion’ immediately in practice. Uncoupling communicated opinions from concrete practical obligations tends to have an intellectualizing effect. Furthermore, a great deal of political communication that does not immediately call for political action is certainly crucial to the political discourse a robust, democratic society. Free sphere plays an essential role in the political process as a cooperative search for truth. We should not be misled into thinking that the public sphere amounts to nothing more than a public arena in which people talk about politics. Nor does the public sphere have merely instrumental value for bringing ‘relevant information’ into political process. The public sphere is a normative  concept that plays a key role in the process that culminates in legitimate political decisions. According to Habermas, institutionalized democratic lawmaking and judicial review alone are insufficient to confer democratic legitimacy. Alone with legislative decisions, judicial and administrative decision are only ensured legitimacy through the normative reasons generated by an un-subverted public sphere. Otherwise, political decisions are dedicated by the power struggles within the political system and not by citizens themselves who, as the addresses of the law, are the ones affected. Without robust political public sphere, there is little check on the administrative power that dictates the flow of communication and power within the political system and the citizenry. Thus, the public sphere theory is more inanely an arena for talking politics. It is the primary site for detecting problems, for generating radical democratic infuses, and for the deliberation of citizens, all of which are necessary for democratic legitimacy. In the following, I distinguish the important normative aspects of the informal public sphere theory. 1. Its communicative and organizational structure 2. The capacities required to meet its deliberate role within a deliberative politics and 3. The qualified out comes or effects generated by the public sphere. This last aspect will lead into the discussion of crucial role of communicative power. REFERENCE†¦/public-sphere†¦†¦/publicsphereterm†¦..†¦/habermas.htm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis Of A Stakeholder Essay

The Stakeholder in which I decided to research and write about is the AMA or to some it may be known as the American Medical Association. This association’s mission is to better public health and promote the art and science of medicine. The AMA was founded in 1847 by a man by the name of Nathan Smith Davis. The group has since invested in the doctor and patient relationship and has promoted scientific advancement as well as improved public health. Mr. Davis was the first editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association back in 1883 until 1888. The first code of medical ethics was adopted by the AMA delegates and they were the ones to establish the first nationwide standards for preliminary medical education as well as the degree of MD’s. This association has become the largest in American history. The AMA continues to serve as an advocate for the profession, physicians, and patients. The AMA focus on three core areas within health care: (1) Improving the outcome of health care, (2) Changing medical education, (3) and by making sure payment models are delivered efficiently as well as enhancing physician satisfaction. Members of the AMA say they plan on setting goals in order to reach these things. ( By doing so they plan to initiate, identify share, and develop patient-physician decision making. Also when it comes to bettering the system the AMA states that they will: (1) Increase productivity, save lives and money, and improve outcomes and health by developing and practicing it’s delivery, (2) Diversify physician services so that it may reflect the levels as well as its service risk by adopting a good payment policy, (3) and allow physicians to select the models that fits the mode of their practices.( After reading and knowing what the AMA stood for and the mission in which they are striving to accomplish made me better understand how they connect with the health care field. Now since we all have a better understanding about the AMA I can focus on the Health Care Reform Act and describe the AMA’s position on it. Here are a few things in which the Health Care Reform Act states. Thirty-two million uninsured Americans will be extended medical coverage. In the year of 2014 small business will be allowed to purchase coverage through a separate exchange. If a child has a preexisting medical condition they will not be denied health insurance coverage. Also in the year of 2014 no health insurance company will be able to deny health coverage to anyone. Parents will be able to carry their children on their health insurance policy until the age of twenty-six. Even if illegal immigrants want/need health insurance coverage and they are willing to purchase it with their own money they will not be allowed to do so with any exchange. In 2009 expansion of insurance coverage was the most contentious issue and the AMA was the most visible organization that represented physicians and their views on this issue. The AMA opposed Medicare expansion and proposed coverage of the uninsured primarily through private means. Many AMA members were in disagreement about this but it seems as if the older physicians supported the AMA’s decision but the younger ones disagreed. Many physicians supported the proposals for health insurance expansion in which the AMA opposed. Even though the AMA is considered the most visible organization that represent physicians, it’s views did not represent the majority of the physicians views on coverage expansion in the most recent reform efforts. The AMA felt as if the reform act did introduce and promise some priority goals which were: (1) extend coverage to uninsured, (2) investing in physician’s workforce, (3) proving long term relief from Medicare flawed physician payment formula, (4) focusing as well as increasing the nation’s preventive care and wellness initiatives, (5) and simplifying administrative burdens for patient and physicians. The AMA states that they will continue to work with Congress as well as Administration pushing for the best outcome for physicians as well as patients. ( They also will continue to eliminate the IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board), replace the SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate), and Enact the MLR (Medical Liability Reform). With this being said overall it will take time but the AMA states that it will continue to stand strong and firm about its mission as well as its goals in which they are try to reach for its physicians and the patients.( Even though the disagreed about certain proposals they will continue to fight. References

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 49~50

49 The Bedside Manner of Cannibals Tuck slept through most of the day, then woke up with a pot of coffee over a spy novel. He looked at the words and his eyes moved down the pages for half an hour, but when he put it down he had no idea what he had read. His mind was torn by the thought of Beth Curtis showing up at his door. Whenever a guard crunched across the gravel compound, Tuck would go to the window to see if it was her. She wouldn't come here during the day, would she? He had promised Kimi that he would check on Sepie and meet him at the drinking circle, but now he was already a day late on the promise. What would happen if Beth Curtis came to his bungalow while he was out? She couldn't tell the doc, could she? What would her excuse be for coming here? Still, Tuck was beginning to think that the doc wasn't really the one running the show. He was merely skilled labor, and so, probably, was Tucker himself. Tuck looked at the pages of the spy novel, watched a little Malaysian television (today they were throwing spears at coconuts on top of a pole while the Asian stock market's tickers scrolled at the bottom of the screen in thin-colored bands), and waited for nightfall. When he could no longer see the guard's face across the compound, he made a great show of yawning and stretching in front of the window, then turned out the lights, built the dummy in his bed, and slipped out through the bottom of the shower. He took his usual path behind the clinic, then inched his way up on the far side and peeked around the front. Not ten feet away a guard stood by the door. He ducked quickly around the corner. There was no way into the clinic tonight. He could wait or even try to intimidate the guard, now that he knew they were afraid to shoot him. Of course, he wasn't sure they knew they were afraid to shoot him. What if Mato was the only one? He slid back down the side of the building and through the coconut grove to the beach. The swim had become like walking to the mailbox, and he was past the minefield in less than five minutes. As he rounded the curve of the beach, he saw a light and figures moving around it. The Shark men had brought a kerosene lamp to the drinking circle. How civilized. Some of the men acknowledged his presence as he moved into the circle, but the old chief only stared into the sand between his feet. There was a stack of magazines at his side. â€Å"What's going on, guys?† A panic made its way around the circle to land on Abo, who looked up and said, â€Å"Your friend is shot by the guards.† Tuck waited, but Abo looked away. Tuck jumped in front of Malink. â€Å"Chief, is he telling the truth? Did they shoot Kimi? Is he dead?† â€Å"Not dead,† Malink said, shaking his head. â€Å"Hurt very bad.† â€Å"Take me to him.† â€Å"He is at Sarapul's house.† â€Å"Right. I'll look it up in the guidebook later. Now take me to him.† Old Malink shook his head. â€Å"He going to die.† â€Å"Where is he shot?† â€Å"In the water by the minefield.† â€Å"No, numbnuts. Where on his body?† Malink held his hand to his side. â€Å"I say, ‘Take him to the Sorcerer,' but Sarapul say, ‘The Sorcerer shoot him.'† Malink then looked Tuck in the eye for the first time. His big brown face was a study in trouble. â€Å"Vincent send you. What do I do?† Tuck could sense a profound embarrassment in the old man. He had just admitted in front of the men in his tribe that he didn't have a clue. The loss of face was gnawing at him like a hungry sand crab. Tuck said, â€Å"Vincent is pleased with your decision, Malink. Now I must see Kimi.† One of the young Vincents stood up. Feeling very brave, he said, â€Å"I will take you.† Tuck grabbed his shoulder. â€Å"You're a good man. Lead on.† The young Vincent seemed to forget to breathe for a moment, as if Tuck had touched him on the shoulders with a sword and welcomed him to a seat at the Round Table, then he came to his senses and took off into the jungle. Tuck followed close behind, nearly clotheslining himself a couple of times on branches that the young Vincent ran right under. The coral gravel on the path tore at Tuck's feet as he ran. When they emerged from the jungle, Tuck could see a light coming out of Sarapul's hut, which Tuck recognized from his day in the cannibal tree. He turned to young Vincent, who was terrified. He had charged the dragon, but had made the mistake of stopping to think about it. â€Å"Kimi's with the cannibal?† Young Vincent nodded rapidly while bouncing from foot to foot, looking like he would wet himself any second. â€Å"Go on,† Tuck said. â€Å"Go tell Malink to come here. And have a drink. You're wigging out.† Vincent nodded and ran off. Tuck approached the door slowly, creeping up until he could see the old man crouched over Kimi, trying to pour something into his mouth from a coconut cup. â€Å"Hey,† Tuck said, â€Å"how's he doing?† Sarapul looked around and gestured for Tuck to enter the house. Tuck had to bend to get through the low door, but once inside the ceiling opened to a fifteen-foot peak. Tuck knelt by Kimi. The navigator's eyes were closed, and even in the orange light of Sarapul's oil lamp, he looked pale. He was uncovered and a bandage was wrapped around his middle. â€Å"Did you do this?† Tuck asked Sarapul. The old cannibal nodded. â€Å"They shoot him in water. I pull him in.† â€Å"How many times?† Sarapu held up a long bent finger. â€Å"Both sides? Did it go through?† Tuck gestured with his fingers on either side of his hip. â€Å"Yes,† Sarapul said. â€Å"Let me see.† The old cannibal nodded and unwrapped Kimi's bandage. Tuck rolled the navigator gently on his side. Kimi groaned, but didn't wake. The bullet had hit him about two inches above the hip and about an inch in. It had passed right though, going in the size of a pencil and exiting the size of a quarter. Tuck was amazed that he hadn't bled to death. The old cannibal had done a good job. â€Å"Don't take him to the Sorcerer,† Sarapul said. â€Å"The Sorcerer will kill him. He is the only navigator.† The old cannibal was pleading while trying to remain fierce. A sob betrayed him. â€Å"He is my friend.† Tuck studied the wound to give the old cannibal a chance to gather himself. He couldn't remember any vital organs being in that area. But the wounds would have to be stiched shut. Tuck wasn't sure he had the stomach for it, but Sarapul was right. He couldn't take Kimi to Curtis. â€Å"Do you guys have anything you use to kill pain?† The cannibal looked at him quizzically. Tuck pinched him and he yelped. â€Å"Pain. Do you have anything to stop pain?† â€Å"Yes. Don't do that anymore.† â€Å"No, for Kimi.† Sarapul nodded and went out into the dark. He returned a few seconds later with a glass jug half-full of milky liquid. He handed it to Tuck. â€Å"Kava,† he said. â€Å"It make you no ouch.† Tuck uncapped the bottle and a smell like cooking cabbage assaulted his nostrils. He held his breath and took a big slug of the stuff, suppressed a gag, and swallowed. His mouth was immediately numb. â€Å"Wow, this ought to do it. I need a needle and some thread and some hot water. And some alcohol or peroxide if you have it.† Sarapul nodded. â€Å"I put Neosporin on him.† â€Å"You know about that? Why am I doing this?† Sarapul shrugged and left the house. Evidently, he didn't keep anything inside but his skinny old ass. Kimi moaned and Tuck rolled him over. The navigator's eyes fluttered open. â€Å"Boss, that dog fucker shot me.† â€Å"Curtis? The older white guy?† â€Å"No. Japanese dog fucker.† Kimi drew his finger across his scalp in a line and Tuck knew exactly who he meant. â€Å"What were you doing, Kimi? I told you that I'd check on Sepie and meet you.† Tuck felt a pleasant numbness moving into his limbs. This kava stuff would definitely do the trick. â€Å"You didn't come. I worry for her.† â€Å"I had to fly.† â€Å"Sarapul say those people very bad. You should come live here, boss.† â€Å"Be quiet. Drink this.† He held the jug to Kimi's lips and tipped it up. The navigator took a sip and Tuck let him rest before administering another dose. â€Å"That stuff nasty,† Kimi said. â€Å"I'm going to stitch you up.† The navigator's eyes went wide. He took the jug from Tuck and gulped from it until Tuck ripped it out of his hands. â€Å"It won't be that bad.† â€Å"Not for you.† Tuck grinned. â€Å"Haven't you heard? I've been sent here by Vincent.† â€Å"That what Sarapul say. He say he don't believe in Vincent until we come, but now he do.† â€Å"Really?† Sarapul came through the door with an armload of supplies. â€Å"I don't say that. This dog fucker lies.† Tuck shook his head. â€Å"You guys were made for each other.† Sarapul set down a sewing kit and a bottle of peroxide, then crouched over the navigator and looked up at Tuck. â€Å"Can you fix him?† Tuck grinned and grabbed the old cannibal by the cheek. â€Å"Yum,† Tuck said. â€Å"Sorry,† Sarapul said. â€Å"I'll fix him,† Tuck said. Silently he asked for help from Vincent. â€Å"I can't feel my arms,† Kimi said. â€Å"My legs, where are my legs? I'm dying.† Sarapul looked at Tuck. â€Å"Good,† he said. â€Å"More kava.† Tuck picked up the jug, now only a quarter full. â€Å"This is great stuff.† â€Å"I'm dying,† Kimi said. Tuck rolled the navigator over on his side. â€Å"Kimi, did I tell you I saw Roberto?† â€Å"See, I didn't eat him,† Sarapul said. â€Å"Where?† Kimi asked. â€Å"He came to my house. He talked to me.† â€Å"You lie. He only speak Filipino.† â€Å"He learned English. Can you feel that?† â€Å"Feel what? I am dying?† â€Å"Good,† Tuck said and he laid his first stitch. â€Å"What Roberto say? He mad at me?† â€Å"No, he said you're dying.† â€Å"I'm dying, I'm dying,† Kimi wailed. â€Å"Just kidding. He didn't say that. He said you're probably dying.† Tuck kept Kimi talking, and before long the navigator was so convinced of his approaching death he didn't notice that Tucker Case, self-taught incompetent, had completely stitched and dressed his wounds. 50 Don Quixote at the Miniature Golf Course He was sleeping, dreaming of flying, but not in a plane. He was soaring over the warm Pacific above a pod of hump-back whales. He swooped in close to the waves and one of the whales breached, winked at him with a football-sized eye, and said, â€Å"You da man.† Then the whale smiled and blew the dream all to hell, for while Tuck knew himself to indeed â€Å"be da man† and while he didn't mind being told so, he also knew that whales couldn't smile and that bit of illogic above all the others broke the dream's back. He woke up. There was music playing in his bungalow. â€Å"Dance with me, Tucker,† she said. â€Å"Dance with me in the moonlight.† The smooth muted horns of â€Å"Moonlight Serenade† filled the room from a portable boom box on his coffee table. Beth Curtis, wearing a sequined evening gown and high-heeled sandals, danced an imaginary partner around the room. â€Å"Oh, dance with me, Tucker. Please.† She glided over to the bed and held her hand out to him. He gave her the coconut man's head, rolled over, and ducked under the sheet. â€Å"Go away. I'm tired and you're insane.† She sat on the bed with a bounce. â€Å"You old stick in the mud.† A pouty voice now. â€Å"You never want to have any romance.† Tuck feigned sleep. Pretty well, he thought. â€Å"I brought champagne and candles. And I made cookies.† This is me sleeping, Tuck thought. This is exactly how I behave when I sleep. â€Å"I twisted up a joint of skunky green bud the size of your dick.† â€Å"I hope you got help carrying it,† he said, still under the covers. â€Å"I rolled it on the inside of my thigh the way the women in Cuba roll cigars.† â€Å"Don't tell me how you licked the paper.† She slapped him on the bottom. â€Å"Come on, dance with me.† He rolled over and pulled the sheet off his face. â€Å"You're not going to go away, are you?† â€Å"Not until you dance with me and have some champagne.† Tuck looked at his watch. â€Å"It's five in the morning.† â€Å"Haven't you ever danced till dawn?† â€Å"Not vertically.† â€Å"Oh, you nasty boy.† Coy now, as if anything short of being caught at genocide could make her blush. The song changed to something slow and oily that Tuck didn't recognize. â€Å"This is such a good song. Let's dance.† She swooned. She actually swooned. Swooning, Tuck noticed, looked very much like an asthma attack wheezed in slow motion. A rooster crowed, and seven thousand six hundred and fifty-two roosters responded in turn. â€Å"Beth, it's morning. Please go home.† â€Å"Then you're not going to dance with me?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"All right, I guess we'll skip the dancing, but I want you to know that I'm very disappointed.† She stood up, pulled the evening gown over her head, and dropped it to the floor. The sequins sizzled against the floor like a dying rattlesnake. She wore only stockings underneath. Tuck said, â€Å"I don't think this is such a good idea,† but there was no conviction in his voice and she pushed him back on the bed. Tuck was staring up at the ceiling, his arm pinned under her neck, silently mouthing his mantra, â€Å"After this, I will not bone the crazy woman. After this, I will not bone the crazy woman. After†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Boy, how many times had he said that? Maybe things were getting better, though. In the past it had always been â€Å"I will not get drunk and bone the crazy woman.† He had been only sleepy this time. He tried to worm his arm out from under her, then used the â€Å"old snuggle method.† He rolled into her for a hug and when she responded with a sleepy moan and tried to kiss him, the space under her neck opened up and he was free. It worked as well on murdering bitch goddesses as it did on Mary Jean ladies. Better even, Beth didn't wear near as much hair spray, which can slow a guy down. God, I'm good. He rolled out of bed and crept into the bathroom. While he peed, he softly chanted, â€Å"Yo, after this, I will not bone the crazy woman.† It had taken on a rap cadence and he was feeling very hip along with the usual self-loathing. His scars made him think of Kimi's wound, and suddenly he was angry. He padded naked back to the bed and jostled the sleeping icon. â€Å"Get up, Beth. Go home.† And someone pounded on the door. â€Å"Mr. Case, tee time in five.† Tuck clamped his hand over Beth's mouth, lifted her by her head in a single sweeping move from the bed to the bathroom, where he released her and shut the door. Fred Astaire, had he been a terrorist, would have been proud of the move. Tuck grabbed his pants off the floor, which is where he kept them, pulled them on, and answered the door. Sebastian Curtis had a driver slung over his shoulder. â€Å"You might want to put on a shirt, Mr. Case. You can get burned, even this early.† â€Å"Right,† Tuck said. He was looking at the caddie. Today Stripe carried the clubs. The guard sneered at him. Tuck smiled back. Stripe, like Mato before him, was doing caddie duty unarmed. Time to play a little round for the navigator, he thought. He winked at Stripe. â€Å"I'll be right there.† Tuck closed the door and went to the bathroom to tell Beth to wait until he'd gone before coming out, but when he opened the door, she was gone. â€Å"Did you know that over ninety percent of all the endangered species are on islands?† the doctor said. â€Å"Nope,† Tuck said. He picked his ball up and put it on the rubberized mat, then turned to Stripe. â€Å"Dopey, give me a five iron.† They were on the fourth hole and had crisscrossed the compound pretending to play golf for an hour. Tuck swung and skidded the ball fifty yards across the gravel. â€Å"Heads up, Bashful,† Tuck said as he threw the club back to Stripe. â€Å"Islands are like evolutionary pressure cookers. New species pop up faster and go extinct more quickly. It works the same way with religions.† â€Å"No kidding, Doc?† They still had fifty yards to get to where Sebastian's first shot lay. Tuck had hit three times. â€Å"The cargo cults have all the same events associated with the great reli-gions: a period of oppression, the rise of a Messiah, a new order, the promise of an endless time of peace and prosperity. But instead of devel-oping over centuries like Christianity or Buddhism, it happens in just a few years. It's fascinating, like being able to see the hands of the clock move right before your eyes and be a part of it.† â€Å"So you must totally get off when daylight savings time comes around.† â€Å"It was just a metaphor, Mr. Case.† â€Å"Call me Tuck.† They had reached Tuck's ball and he placed it on the Astro Turf mat. â€Å"Sneezy, give me the driver.† Sebastian cleared his throat. â€Å"That looks more like a nine iron to me. You've only got fifty yards to the pin.† â€Å"Trust me, Doc. I need a driver for this one.† Stripe snickered and handed him the driver. Tuck examined it, one of the large-headed alloy models that had become so popular in the States – all metal. Tuck grinned at Stripe. â€Å"So, Doc, I guess you shitcanned the Meth-odist thing to watch the clock spin.† Tuck lined up the shot and took a practice swing. The club whooshed through the air. â€Å"Have you ever had faith in anything, Mr. Case?† Tuck took another practice swing. â€Å"Me? Faith? Nope.† â€Å"Not even your own abilities?† â€Å"Nope.† Tuck made a show of lining up the shot again and making sure his hips were loose. â€Å"Then you shouldn't make jokes about it.† â€Å"Right,† Tuck said. He tensed and put his entire weight behind the club, but instead of hitting the ball, he swung it around like a baseball bat, slamming the head into Stripe's cheek, shattering the bone with a sickening thwack. The guard's feet went out from under him and he landed with a crunch in the coral. â€Å"Christ!† Sebastian yelled. He grabbed the club and wrenched it from Tuck's grasp. â€Å"What in the hell are you doing?† Tuck didn't answer. He bent over the guard until he was only inches from his face and whispered, â€Å"Fore, motherfucker.† A second later Tuck heard a mechanical click and the guard who had been tending the pin had an Uzi pressed to his ear. Sebastian Curtis was bent over Stripe, pulling his eyes open to see if his pupils would contract. â€Å"Take Mr. Case to his bungalow and stay with him. Send two men with a stretcher and find Beth. Tell her to – † Curtis suddenly realized that the guard was only getting about a third of what he said. â€Å"Bring my wife.† â€Å"I'll get back to you on that faith thing, Doc,† Tuck said.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Creative book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Creative book - Essay Example Leatherman tools give you the best service ever because our goods have fair prices, durability and the best ever guarantees at 25 years time. This is enough time to have become a macho man. Grab your today and take home a sexy lady. Appeal comes from the luxurious part of the tools and its handy nature of preparing juices with the compact juice tool. The best part is that all Leatherman tools are replaceable and have guides. Be the man with Leatherman tools. Try the lucky charm in Leatherman tools. Caught in danger? Have pocket survival tools: A simple tool can change your life. A simple tool can mean life and death. What if the tool was a multi dual with numerous tools all in one? This could mean fighting the worst battles and emerging victorious. This is what Leatherman tools aim at. Apart from folding in disparate ways, Leatherman tools come in different styles in one piece. There is combination of blades, pliers, files, pruners, screwdrivers with some sets having cork screws. All these are replaceable and have back up. Furthermore, Leatherman tools have manuals that make them easier to use. For more information visit our websites and comment or ask our dedicate staff for assistance whenever. Leather man tools the best offers ever. Here is a faster way of fixing your problems: With over thirty ranges of products, Leatherman hand tools are the most wanted hand tools in town. The company strives to give you the best by offering luxury, durability and value all in one. Everybody has a catch in the trendy hand tools and fixing problems is a walk in the park. Rush while stocks last but Leatherman will always offer you the most tiring guarantees in the market placing it at the top of the market. Our dedicated staffs have stylish hand tools that take the drabness off the use of hands to fix all problems. Camping, hitch hiking and home problems are now our best friends with the triple power of Leatherman hand tools. Don’t we just love have

Thursday, September 26, 2019

WhatsApp Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

WhatsApp - Case Study Example In addition, WhatsApp has been able to beat existing and new competitors in the instant messaging industry. This success led to its acquisition by Facebook. The main problem facing the future success of the app is the competition and the changing paradigm of the industry. Across the globe, competitors have been steadily increasing with more effective strategies in regards to the creation of new trends and monetization. Given the current market situation, how can WhatsApp adapt its strategy to overcome emerging competition in future? Over the years, the instant messaging industry has been characterized by its massive growth. Consequently, entrants in the market have greatly increased. Regardless of the trend, WhatsApp has been able to position itself as a market leader in the six years it has been in existence. Since the creation of the application in 2009, WhatsApp has been largely preferred by the consumer population in the United States as well in the global market. The success of WhatsApp in the global market is solely based on that these markets lack a cheaper option for text messaging (Page, 2015, 1). The strategy was also effective in beating existing competition in the industry. However, in markets with cheaper text messaging options the application has not been massively embraced. This is due to the few features and products that the application offers to the trendy market. This is a major problem in the future in regards to the creation of a greater competitive advantage over the emerging competition. The ability to compete effectively is created by the development of operational structures based on the strategies implemented by competitors (Porter, 1980, 29). By WhatsApp lacking these structures, the app does not have a competitive advantage over emerging competitors in the future market. The future success of the instant messaging industry is directed by the level of creativity embraced by existing and emerging applications. WhatsApp has not

HR assingment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR assingment - Essay Example In job based pay, employees lack flexibility as they have only acquired the skills needed for one particular job. In skill based pay an employee is provided different kinds of training to enhance the number skills he has and in job based pay, training is provided for one specific job so his skill sets remain restricted and limited. 2. Certain traits are associated with individuals conducting unsafe acts, with the aid and knowledge of proper screening and placement techniques, employers can employ individuals who are safe for the organization. While hiring employees, employers need to have knowledge of traits that help in predicting whether an employee is safe and harmless to the organization. For example employers can make use of ERI (Employee Reliability Inventory) while hiring employees to ensure that the applicant is safe for the organization (Hersen 151). The ERI helps in measuring how emotionally mature an individual is, the level of conscientiousness embedded in an applicant and how much control an individual has over his emotions. Other than using tests, employees can conduct background checks to ensure that the applicant is safe to hire. Employers can contact the organizations where an applicant was working previously and obtain information about his conduct in that organization to identify whether it is safe to hire a particular applicant or not. Employers can even obtain information about an employees conduct through law enforcement agencies to figure out whether an employee was previously involved in violent and criminal activities. 3. Stress in work environments are caused due to the availability of stressors. Stressors are recognized as factors that lead to increase in stress levels of employees. There are various stressors that lead to increased level of stress. These stressors include: time, workload, resources and competition (Proctor 259). Individuals end

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Report Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Report - Thesis Example Furthermore, the Indian government has embarked on a program of banking reform, which is still in its early stages, and so there is an opportunity to see if this is affecting the level of service offered to customers. Both public sector and private sector banks are included in this study. The method chosen was a survey based on the SEVQUAL model. This particular model was chosen because it has been tried and tested in other settings and its 22 item scale gives a good picture of the quality of service as it occurs in different kinds of service industry. The 22 items were grouped into five sections and participants were invited to rate different aspects of banking service according to a 7 point Likert type scale. Participants were asked about two particular banks, the State Bank of India and the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). These two banks were chosen because they are the representatives of public and private sectors respectively. The starting hypothesis was that there would be no significant difference in the customer perceptions of service in the two banks, or alternatively that there would be a significant difference. The survey was conducted in the city of Dehradun. Age, gender and employment status were mixed, with a majority of males, married persons, and people in professional jobs. The data was analyzed using the statistical software package SPSS. Exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis were carried out. The findings were that empathy, reliability, assurance and responsiveness were higher in the case of the public banks whereas tangibility was higher for private sector banks. This shows that there is a difference in the perception of customer service of the two kinds of bank, and on the whole, public sector banks are perceived as having better customer service. The research gap identified by the author in this

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wit - Essay Example Two major types of knowledge emerge in this play. Academic knowledge represented by Vivian, Dr. Kelekian and Dr. Jason gained through proper university education whose actions displays academic elitism between teacher-student and doctor-patient. Humanitarian knowledge gained through interaction. Vivian gained it after interacting with Susie when this nurse was always available during the time when in pain and lonely (69). Academic knowledge bestow on the bearers power and high regard in the society as demonstrated by Vivian’s feeling of helplessness at the hospital compared to the power she wielded over her students at the University. â€Å"Once I did the teaching, now am taught† (37). On the other hand, other forms of knowledge are poorly regarded as Jason asserts this regarding his take on bedside manners as â€Å"colossal waste of time for researchers† (55). The two types of knowledge are related since they complement each other. Vivian realized the significance of human contact when under lots of pain and alone appreciated the role Susie played during this moment. Acquisition of knowledge should not be at the expense of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Ethics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Ethics - Article Example Provisions of the financial services reform law are being passed now as they are being worked out to fill parts of the law. The banks which provide the credit cards have been using the fees to supply a lucrative revenue source. Congressional leaders such as Rep. Barney Frank have been pressured by bank lobbyists to propose a delay to delay and revise the amendment. JPMorgan Chase Bank has said that if the bill, called the Durbin Amendment, would pass, it would have to cut such consumer benefits as the Disney Dream Reward Dollars. The amendment would now be revised or completely cut out the bill. 2. Who supports the extra fees? It's the banks who are currently not in good public favor. The reason they have the fees is in order to generate more income. Some reports have been written that if the fees were cut out or reduced the banks would then place fees on debit cards. In fact there is a big publication campaign expressing this very fact that debit card fees are about to be raised. Wh o is behind this campaign? Is it the banks? Why do the merchants not want this fee? For one thing it is a hidden charge. It is not on the sales receipt. Another thing is that it affects discounts the merchants would like to promote. Can one get clear information from the banks on this "transaction" fee? Not hardly. 3. What is the moral issue involved? The issue is that is it ethical for a bank to hide fees? It is clearly not.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Philosophy Essay 1. How do philosophical questions differ from scientific or factual questions? Philosophy specializes in questions that cannot be answered scientifically, mainly because there are not elements of the question that can be measured or tested empirically. Philosophy questions things and the answers are sought to be more opinionated and based on certain points of view. Philosophy focuses on questions similar to â€Å"how does this work. † A philosophical question that is beneficial is anything that has to do with life, death, or the universe. Philosophical questions do not possess definite answers, and they do not require measurements. For instance, a question could read, â€Å"What makes a great dad? † One person may answer the question saying, qualities that make a great dad would include spending one on one time with the child, always attending school functions and events, and always making time for the children. While this answer could be true for that individual another individual could answer the question saying, a great dad is one who provides all necessities for the family through financial stability, and actions that prove he cares. Both of these answers can possess the capability of being correct because the question is based on personal opinions and there is no definite way to define this. The science approach attempts to answer all the questions that it can empirically, but this is sometimes not possible. The reason some of the times it is not possible is because the questions increase over time and with the advances in technology. As technology expands the more questions that it rises to science and the more questions that are left without a scientific answer. The specific feature of science is to measure and weigh everything. Factual is evidence in themselves and are therefore established. Philosophy and science have much in common. Many of the greatest philosophers were also scientists, or possessed the quality to be categorized as one in his or her time period. Philosophers approach questions similarly to the way scientists do with his or her critical thinking. Scientists formulate theories and then test them against what they can observe or reason. Scientific questions implies that an individual is inquiring about the world around him or her and expecting precise answers. A scientific question possesses an independent variable and a dependent variable in it. A factual question is a question about a fact, â€Å"where did this event happen? † is factual because it is asking for facts. But a scientific or factual question are ones that possess the ability to be answered through verification which will produce some types of definite answers that are measurable and concrete proof. An example of this type of question would include, â€Å"how tall is sally? † The answer that an individual comes up with will be accurate because he or she takes the scientific measurements to answer the question to eliminate speculations. However, speculations could occur while answering how tall Sally is because one could say well is that Sally’s accurate height, because when an individual first awakens they are taller than they are in the evening. When an individual first awaken his or her body has had time to relax and stretch out for the evening sleep, and if measurements were taken during the day or at night the body has not maintained the ability to stretch out causing the individual to be shorter. Personally the way around this would be to measure Sally three times once in the morning, the middle of the afternoon, and finally in the evening. 2. How did the approaches to philosophical inquiry progress from the Pre-Socratics to Socrates, Plato, and finally to Aristotle? How do these changing approaches reflect cultural influences that affected the philosophers of ancient Greece? The philosophical inquiry process during the pre-Socrates era was based mainly on metaphysics which asks what the nature of being is. The Socrates era began to question viewpoints that began asking and answering questions to stimulate an individuals’ critical thinking and in turn illuminating ideas, this began to form a debate and inquiry between individuals’ opposing this view. The dialectical method is a process that the Socrates began and involves oppositional discussions. This method involves oppositional discussions that defend one point of view against another point of view. One individual may lead others to contract his or her point of view in turn strengthening the inquirer’s view point. Plato began to challenge the paradox dialectical method of education upon examining it, â€Å"if one knows nothing, then how will one come to recognize knowledge when he or she encounters it? † The Socrates of Plato came to a different conclusion. The Socrates began to use a slave boy and demonstrate through geometry lessons that every individual acquires even the smallest amount of knowledge, and the knowledge serves as a window into the individual’s eternal and omniscient soul. By communicating with the slave the teacher could contest the student’s false opinions until he came to a true opinion that withstood severities of critical examination. Although the individual’s soul is the warehouse of the knowledge each individual must learn how to access the knowledge and recall it. Plato began to dwindle from the Sophists by Plato distanced himself further from Sophists by separating knowledge from opinions. The scientific method came around after the introduction from Aristotle. The scientific method is the development and explanation of rules for scientific investigation and reasoning that is not clear-cut. The scientific method is a hot topic for many severe and frequent debates throughout the science’s history. Many of the natural philosophers and scientists argue for the primary of a single approach that will establish scientific knowledge. Many debates that surround the scientific method is centered on rationalism. Empiricism is the main component of scientific tradition according to Aristotle. Aristotle felt that individual can gain the knowledge of universal truth through particular things such as induction. In some measures Aristotle brings together abstract thought with observations. Aristotelian science is not empirical in form, and many individuals commonly mistake this implication. Aristotle denies that individuals develop knowledge through induction and possesses the ability to be considered scientific knowledge. The main preliminary to scientific business enquiry is induction, this provides the preliminary grounds for scientific demonstrations. The main job of philosophers was to examine and discover the truths causes and to demonstrate universal truths. Even though induction was satisfactory for discovering universals by simplification, it lacked the ability to successfully identify the causes. Aristotle sought after identifying the causes and began using deductive reasoning in the form of syllogisms. Using the syllogisms, scientists possessed the capability of inferring new universal truths from ones that have previously been established by other philosophers. Personally upon learning about these different philosophers. I think the different inquiry processes empowered each philosopher to think out of the realm of normality and not except the norm which enabled Greece and even other cultures to answer questions and in turn gain more knowledge. 3. How are philosophical opinions justified? Epistemology contains the theory of justification and struggles to nderstand justifications of proposals and beliefs. Philosophical opinions are justified because of epistemology, which is associated to philosophies including justification, beliefs, and truths. Epistemology deals with the means of the production of knowledge. According to Plato, justification is the final component of knowledge and without it individuals only have a true opinion. Belief is a state of mind on which an individual can often fickle and liable to change. Justification is the factual rationalization of true opinions, reality is the thing that grounds it (Baker, 2013). Justification based theories of knowledge are categorized into two subsections, irrationalism and panrationalism. Irrationalism is something that draws to irrational principles and authorities, including an individual’s feelings. Panrationalism is rational criteria and principles including reasoning and observation. I believe that philosophical opinions are justified in various ways. Philosophical opinions not necessarily justified but are guided by personal experiences and religious beliefs. When beliefs are justified there is always a justifier or something that justifies the belief. Different things can be justifiers for example the following three items are suggested, the first is solely beliefs, beliefs that are together with other cognizant mental states, and finally beliefs, cognizant mental states, and other realities about individuals and his or her surrounding and the environment, which individuals may or may not possess the access to. As with every philosophical ideas there is criticism following the theory of justification. Held by critical rationalists W. W.  Bartley, David Miller, and Karl Popper, non-justificational criticism is the major opposition that is against this theory. Criticism to the justificationism is trying to prove that the claims lack the ability to be reduced to the influence or criteria that it influences appeals to, it states that justification is a primary claim and the claim itself is secondary. Nonjustificational criticism strives to attack the claims themselves. The first being guided by personal experience is because individuals tend to associate his or her philosophy on the basis of experiences they have encountered. An example that one can contribute to this is old policies that an individual has seen work effectively and as a result an opinion or philosophy is developed believing that it is the only way or best way because it worked for the individual. Another way philosophical opinions are justified is through religious orientation and is believed to be the most significant majority of the time. From birth individuals are drilled about right and wrong according to his or her religious views. Religious orientation affects an individual in all philosophical areas. Some include what to eat, creation and what is acceptable or not and because it is based on faith instead of facts, religion really shapes and individuals life because it effects ones choices in life. I think that justifying an individual’s ethical and moral beliefs is unnecessary, I think that individuals are entitled to believe and have certain opinions on what they choose. If these individuals try to justify his or her moral beliefs then they are clarifying an issue and answering a question.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Understanding Of Health And Social Care Social Work Essay

The Understanding Of Health And Social Care Social Work Essay It is difficult that to describe and understand the value of care because value of care has very narrow in terms of the all the aspects of health and social care. Care value defines the rules, principles, regulations, and guidelines that every carer has to follow during their services to their clients. The values play dominant role in terms of influencing the carer because it dealt with decision making activity and practical actions with them. It need to know the values, ethics and rights. It also need to know the age, gender, ability, ethnicity, and identitys of carer. It is also important that to know the influence of the practice to carer. It is also important that to know the relationship between values and government policy that can affect society. It also need to looking at the how the values affecting individuals live in terms of their own lives. The value of care is also important for an organization. There are certain principles which can be consider to enhance the quality o f care. These principles includes, the anti-discrimination practice has to be promotes, the information has to be friendliness in nature and also same time maintenance is also important. The freedom of people in terms of their right which also should be independence, of their choice, safety, and with all these need to be promoting and supporting at the same time. The individuals personal beliefs and their identities should be acknowledge. The protection of people is also important in event of abuse. The communication skills of individual and the relationships between service users and carer is also important, it should be providing in effective way. The individualised care is as much important as to provide them care in terms of values. If there should any violation occurs in terms of care value, there should be a possibility of the dismissals and also sued of laws. It sometimes organization should be suffered a lot and it should be close. The above are also possible when there is a violation in code of conduct. The care values are dominant as it considers clients expectation from their health and social care services. The below are certain points which need to considers for enhancement of quality of care. Clinical governance Organization need to be more responsive as they serves with formal structures to the clients. Organization has to be dealt with the other aspects such as follows national standards framework. Organization has to deliver high quality services for excellency of the organization. The commitment is requires from the all levels in organization to provide coherent services to the clients. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Change Management Change management is important aspects as the question of enhancing the quality of care. The nurses or care are different at level of their works, so change management of that can be important aspects to enhancing quality of care. Change management should be do with the success and failures of individuals in organization. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Monitoring The three approaches of evaluation of quality of care is important and it need to be monitor. These three approaches are structural assessment, care processes and care outcomes. The auditing is important part which helps to organizations to identifying the problems and developing the solution. It is a worthwhile processes to enhance the quality of care. Care Standards There are certain standards which need to be fulfil and maintain at the time of serving the work. The interventions and treatments should be make with the proper guidance. These standards has to be make with research and innovation. Organization has to encourage the innovative practice within framework of standards. The quality of care should be enhance by maintaining and promoting the care standards. Professional Qualities Professional individuals has to improve their skills. At the same time, they have to be work consistently and reasonably with multi-tasking abilities. It necessary for an organization to take periodically audit on the skills and qualification of the individuals. It gives the detailed information that where the individuals lack of skills and how to be improve it, in other words what type of training require to the individual. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Issues related to quality The issues such as poor discharge planning, lack of involvement in care, lack of skills, poor understanding of the needs of clients, unprofessional behaviour, poor standards of care and the problem of inequality distribution to care need to be address. These issues are important and the expertise power has to find the solution to overcome from such issues. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Policies There should be a policies for the quality issues to dealt within the organization. Policies need to be frame, maintain and implement periodically within the organization. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Conclusion: Individual does not need to go beyond their duties and responsibilities to enhance the quality of care. Clinical governance provides us with a framework to begin transforming care quality. Change management is important for enhancing the quality of care. Individual has to be take care of the standards of care at the time of performing their duties. Individual has to be develop and improve their skills to enhance the quality of care. Evaluate the needs of three groups of service users and the care that can be provided for them in health and social care in Britain, including the specific roles of care assistants and social workers in each group. Introduction Health and social care is an immense service sphere experiencing a rapid change. With every change of government the importance to health and social care services has been amended. Priorities to health and social services are rising. With rapid change there comes an uncertainty, the only reason behind this is many times people in their lives needs a care taker in one form or the other at home, or at hospitals at the time of surgery. Health and Social care is a profession where someone takes care of a person who has a special need. A person in special need would be a child, an adolescents, it may be a person who is experiencing physical disabilities, a mentally challenged person. This is a profession devoted to deliver a quality care and support to an individual or a group of people where the needs have been examined and identified as well. This can be formally explained as a profession purvey care, support, shelter, protagonist for a dependent person. This is applied and made in act ion after a great research and analysing the need and the special care that the dependent person is in need of. This Health and social care service is available all over the world however they are known by some different phenomena as the region differs. For example in Europe Health and social care is known as Social pedagogy where as in U.K. its called as child and young care the same is called in Canada. Scene long time the people are served from a health care organisation, and it has been a long time where physically challenged people or mentally retarded people rely upon sources such as health and social care organisations. After a proper examination on the need of the dependent a subsequence care is provided. Unfortunately these situations are also faced by people who are impotent or are not reproductive, even after surviving for the whole life they dont have any one in their lives to take care for them. The dependents are generally divided under three major groups which are mis sioned as follows. Children or Juveniles People who are older People who are Physically challenged or Mentally retarded Health and social care workers have got lots of liabilities on them for the client as soon as they undertake a patient; it means they have taken the responsibilities of the client and their protection. Such a organisations are growing all over the world and are supported at a great deal by the government. An employee before being appointed in such organisation undergoes from a wide range of qualification and degrees. Definition of Needs: Needs refers as positive,  motivating  hunger that compels  action  for its  satisfaction. Needs  range  from basic survival needs (common  to all human beings) satisfied by  necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age  group  to age group) satisfied by  necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast,  wants  (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. First of all, We have to understand what are the needs. As per holistic approach, the needs are such as cultural, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. As per services and resources, the needs are such as mobility, home care, social care, nursing and medical. As per famous psychologist Abram Maslows hierarchy of needs, are self-actualisation, esteem needs, belongings and love needs, safety needs, and psychological needs. Abram Maslows hierarchy of needs chart. Needs and Wants Care assistants and social care workers has to understand what is their needs and wants. Care assistants and social care workers have to distinguish the difference between needs and wants. Needs and Wants of care assistants and social care workers should need to be asses to understanding for the assessor within the organization. Challenges for Health and Social Care A Health and social care organisation is a challenging and a honouring as a profession which aims to provide service to the needy ones. It also provides protection and shelter to the dependents. The health and social care organisation needs to understand the need and accordingly apply the required skill on the client. They have the power of understanding of the approach which best fits with the patients. The Health and social care department keeps a record of the dependent with clear information about the dependent and his daily routine so as to understand and improve the requirement. Such organisations practice Anti discriminatory and treat the client with their best regardless of which race, country, age, and sex does he belongs to. They provide social services and assistance to ameliorate the social as well as the psychological behaviour of the person who is not able to help himself. As discussed above the people who require special need are basically divided into three groups Needs of Children Hiring a Health and Social carer for children is common now days. Child with single parent is major clients for such organisation. With change in time the requirement of humans has been changed a lot which draws the parents to go out for work and no one is there to look after their juveniles so as to protect them from getting into delinquencies parents require someone who looks after their kids when they are out as to make the child literate about the social life. Many parents decide to do so even to improve the psychological functioning of the children as well as to look after their studies. It is often found that a child with less assistance has more possibilities to fall in bad deeds. Here the carer plays a vital role for the parents and guides the child toward good things and teaches him that social values of the society. Hiring a social carer solves such problems and tends the child towards good things. These organisations helps those parents with the child having learning diffi culties, such children are taught by the social workers and learns the moral values of the life. Children who have behavioural difficulties such as talking to elders in an ill-mannered way the workers also teach them how to behave. Sometimes children fall in bad companies and acquire bad addictions such as having drugs alcohols the health and social care department also helps the child to rehabilitate by giving them a lively atmosphere. Children with high level of truancy are rare but in need of a person who looks after their studies, social workers work and analyse which is the better way for the individual to grab the interest in studies. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for children Every care assistants and social care workers who provides the services to children needs to have their assistant. This assistant helps with care assistant and social care workers for the duties regarding teaching and caring to children. Childrens education requirements are vary according to their parents and schools. As care assistants and social care workers roles, they have to have basic qualification like diploma, with previous related experience. There is also need of college degree sometimes. Instruction The care assistant and social care workers have to instruct the children in terms of their learning activity. The care assistant and social care workers have to take care of the children by give proper instruction to them in terms of their education, behaviour, and safety. The care assistant and social care workers also have to check the grade papers after receiving childrens assignments. The care assistant and social care workers have also give suggestion of activities and lesson suitable to children to their parents. Supervision The care assistant and social care workers have to supervise the children while their break. The care assistant and social care workers have to supervise children when children are playing. The care assistant and social care workers also have to take care that children do not hurt themselves of others. The care assistant and social care workers also have to make sure that they do not go out of the premises. When there is need of or any event of problem arise, the care assistant and social care workers have to handles it as per situation very calmly. The care assistant and social care workers have to informs their superior in event of problem to get better solution of that. Cleaning The care assistant and social care workers have to make sure that the workspace need to be clean at the times. The care assistant and social care workers have to clean the premises accordingly. The care assistant and social care workers have to make sure that the playing area of children need to be safe so at the time of playing they are interact with one another without getting hurt. Nurturing When parents are busy with some other works or the teachers in the schools are busy with some other works, the care assistant and social care workers have to be with children when children get hurt. When they become sad, the care assistant and social care workers have to be with children to get out of it. The care assistant and social care workers also have to keep children clean and neat. The bathing and diaper- changing have also be do with clean by the care assistant and social care workers. The care assistant and social care workers have also make sure children get food regularly and provides the nutritious meals and snacks for the children throughout the day. Discussions The care assistant and social care workers have to prepare and confer the progress of children with their parents. The care assistant and social care workers have responsible to give progress report to the parents of children. The care assistant and social care workers should be helpful and also aware of the needs and issues related to the children. The care assistant and social care workers have to provide excellent feedback of the children. Old Age people In certain stage of life people do need a care taker after an age, even after having friends relatives and family they sometimes fail to access the needs, in this stage the person in special need requires a care taker who look after the patient and take good care of them. They even protect the client and take proper care of them. Unfortunately some people who are impotent and could not grow their families, are very hapless people such organisations do provide service to them. After reaching to a certain age few people undergo some disease such as Paralysis etc. These organisations provide service to such hapless people. The organisation takes care of aged people by doing household job for them such as cleaning in house, washing their cloths, Vacuuming in the corridor etc. They also take personal care such as helping them in taking shower, bathing, dress them up and toileting etc. Such a job needs a lot of patience and dedication above all it need the willingness and affection for the needy one which are often found in the workers of such organisation. The organisation has also opened a place where cares for such people are available. The place is also known as House of Commons where people of almost same age group stay together and spent there last inning of life. This care is taken by the Health and social care organisation. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for old age people The workers in such organisation have very responsible work on their shoulders here they not only need to take care of the old people but also understand them. They should be a good listener so as to listen and understand that feeling of the old people who have lost their understanding and A Health and social care organisation is a challenging and a honouring as a profession which aims to provide service to the needy ones. It also provides protection and shelter to the dependents. The health and social care organisation needs to understand the need and accordingly apply the required skill on old age people. They have the power of understanding of the approach which best fits with the old age people. The Health and social care department keeps a record of the dependent with clear information about the dependent and his daily routine so as to understand and improve the requirement. Such organisations practice Anti discriminatory and treat the old age people with their best regardless o f which race, country, age, and sex does he belongs to. They provide social services and assistance to ameliorate the social as well as the psychological behaviour of the person who is not able to help themself. Physically challenge people People who are mentally retarded or physically challenged are very hard to take care of. Since family member fails to take good care of such people such clients are better assisted by such experienced social workers. Unluckily few people are born with such disabilities and many a times in spite of being a mother and father, Parents are not able to understand the requirement of the person who is experiencing such disabilities. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for physically challenge people Concerning about health The care assistant and social care workers need have to concerned about the health of handicapped people or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to be monitored medication activity of handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform their task as per the suggestion of general practitioner of handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform their duties under the direction of the registered nurses. Managing under definite standards The care assistant and social care workers have to manage the handicapped or disabled people as per assistance under personal hygiene and ambulation. Preparing, managing and reporting The care assistant and social care workers have to prepare record of handicapped or disabled peoples progress and serviced performed by them. The care assistant and social care workers also have to maintain record of the handicapped or disabled peoples progress and serviced performed by them. The care assistant and social care workers also have to reporting to the superior and guardian when there is a changes in condition of handicapped and disabled people. Performing various duties The care assistant and social care workers have to be perform the various duties such as cooking, washing the outfits, cleaning the dishes, and shopping for handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform various housekeeping duties. Caring in various aspects The care assistant and social care workers have to take care of disabled or handicapped people and their families in events of the family disruption or restoration and helplessness. The care assistant and social care workers also have to provides companionship, personal care and help in adjusting new lifestyles to handicapped or disabled people and their families. Instruction and advisory The care assistant and social care workers have to instruct handicapped or disabled people on issues such as nutrition, personal hygiene, and house hold cleanliness. The care assistant and social care workers also have to advise handicapped or disabled people on issues such as nutrition, personal hygiene, and house hold cleanliness. Participating and consulting The care assistant and social care workers have to participate in case reviewing and consulting with responsible people to evaluate the handicapped or disabled people needs and planning for their future services. Transporting The care assistant and social care workers have to facilitate the handicapped or disabled people transportation from their location to other location such as physicians place, or any outing or using vehicles. Conclusion: The needs of people vary from one to another, as similar to this the needs of three groups also vary such to children, physically challenge people and old age people. Similar to needs of these three different groups the roles of care assistants and social care workers is also different. It need to be evaluate for development of clients.